If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our sales
consultants will be pleased to answer any questions you have about our products
and services.
General info: caligare@caligare.com
Support: support@caligare.com
Company address:
Caligare s.r.o.
Kamerunska 603/9
160 05 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Company a VAT/TAX ID's:
ICO: 27175103 (Company registration ID)
DIC: CZ27175103 (VAT/TAX registration ID)
Bank contact:
Bank address: Raiffeisen Bank, Olbrachtova 9, 14021 Praha 4, Czech Republic
Account holder: Caligare s.r.o.
Account number: IBAN CZ7055000000001264052028